defradb client acp policy add
Add new policy
Add new policy
- Can not add a policy without specifying an identity.
- ACP must be available (i.e. ACP can not be disabled).
- A non-DPI policy will be accepted (will be registered with acp system).
- But only a valid DPI policyID & resource can be specified on a schema.
- DPI validation happens when attempting to add a schema with '@policy'.
- Learn more about ACP & DPI Rules
Example: add from an argument string: defradb client acp policy add -i 028d53f37a19afb9a0dbc5b4be30c65731479ee8cfa0c9bc8f8bf198cc3c075f \ ' description: A Valid DefraDB Policy Interface
actor: name: actor
resources: users: permissions: read: expr: owner + reader write: expr: owner
- actor
- actor
Example: add from file: defradb client acp policy add -f policy.yml \ -i 028d53f37a19afb9a0dbc5b4be30c65731479ee8cfa0c9bc8f8bf198cc3c075f
Example: add from file, verbose flags: defradb client acp policy add --file policy.yml \ --identity 028d53f37a19afb9a0dbc5b4be30c65731479ee8cfa0c9bc8f8bf198cc3c075f
Example: add from stdin: cat policy.yml | defradb client acp policy add -
defradb client acp policy add [-i --identity] [policy] [flags]
-f, --file string File to load a policy from
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
-i, --identity string Hex formatted private key used to authenticate with ACP
--keyring-backend string Keyring backend to use. Options are file or system (default "file")
--keyring-namespace string Service name to use when using the system backend (default "defradb")
--keyring-path string Path to store encrypted keys when using the file backend (default "keys")
--log-format string Log format to use. Options are text or json (default "text")
--log-level string Log level to use. Options are debug, info, error, fatal (default "info")
--log-output string Log output path. Options are stderr or stdout. (default "stderr")
--log-overrides string Logger config overrides. Format <name>,<key>=<val>,...;<name>,...
--log-source Include source location in logs
--log-stacktrace Include stacktrace in error and fatal logs
--no-keyring Disable the keyring and generate ephemeral keys
--no-log-color Disable colored log output
--rootdir string Directory for persistent data (default: $HOME/.defradb)
--secret-file string Path to the file containing secrets (default ".env")
--source-hub-address string The SourceHub address authorized by the client to make SourceHub transactions on behalf of the actor
--tx uint Transaction ID
--url string URL of HTTP endpoint to listen on or connect to (default "")
- defradb client acp policy - Interact with the acp policy features of DefraDB instance