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"manifest": {
"n": 3, // N: The total number of nodes in the ring
"t": 2, // T: The threshold number of nodes to run decryption request (T <= N)
"dkg": "rabin", // DKG: Distributed Key Generation algorithm (available: rabin)
"pss": "avpss", // PSS: Proactive Secret Sharing algorithm (available: avpss)
"pre": "elgamal", // PRE: Proxy Re-Encryption algorithm (available: elgamal)
"bulletin": "p2p", // Bulletin: The network broadcast bulletin (available: p2p, sourcehub)
"transport": "p2p", // Transport: The overlay network transport (available: p2p)
"authentication": "jws-did", // Authentication: The authn scheme for clients (available: jws-did)
"authorization": "zanzi", // Authorization: The authz scheme for clients (available: zanzi, sourcehub)
"nodes": [ // Nodes: Set of node objects identifying the initial nodes.
"nonce": 0 // Nonce: Random value to adjust the determinstic RingID creation